Neuro-endocrien carcinoom (NEC) van de cervix
Beperkte ziekte:
- Primaire behandeling is chirurgie (Radicale hysterectomie en pelviene lymklierdissectie),
- Adjuvante chemotherapie;
- Etoposide (100 mg/m2 dag 1,2,3) en cisplatin (80 mg/m2), cyclusduur 21 dagen, 4 cycli.
Uitgebreide ziekte:
- Neoadjuvante chemotherapie:
- Etoposide (100 mg/m2 dag 1,2,3) en cisplatin (80 mg/m2), cyclusduur 21 dagen, 4 cycli.
- Bij partiele response: dan overwegen 6 cycli.
- Chemoradiatie:
- Uitwendige radiotherapie van het bekken tot 45Gy in 25 fracties van 1,8Gy, gecombineerd met wekelijks cisplatin,
- Brachytherapie van de primaire tumor tot een cumulatieve equivalente dosis van 80-85 Gy. Dit zal normaliter in 3 fracties kunnen.
- Neoadjuvante chemotherapie:
- Morris M, Eifel PJ, Lu J, et al. Pelvic radiation with concurrent chemotherapy compared with pelvic and para-aortic radiation for high-risk cervical cancer. N Engl J Med. 1999 Apr 15;340(15):1137-43.
- Rose PG, Bundy BN, Watkins EB, et al. Concurrent cisplatin-based radiotherapy and chemotherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer. N Engl J Med. 1999 Apr 15;340(15):1144-53. Erratum in: N Engl J Med 1999 Aug 26;341(9):708.
- Green JA et al. Concomitant chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer of the uterine cervix (review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005;20(3):CD002225.
- K. Katanyoo, S. Tangjitgamol, M. Chongthanakorn, T. Tantivatana, S. Manusirivithaya, K. Rongsriyam, Treatment outcomes of concurrent weekly carboplatin with radiation therapy in locally advanced cervical cancer patients. Gynecologic Oncology 2011:123;571–576.
- P. Zusterzeel, Aarts, Ottevanger et al. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Vaginal Radical Trachelectomy as Fertility‐Preserving Treatment for Patients with FIGO 2018 Stage 1B2 Cervical Cancer The Oncologist 2020;25:1–9.
- Peters WA et al. Concurrent Chemotherapy and pelvic radiation therapy compared with pelvic radiation therapy alone as adjuvant therapy after radical surgery in high-risk early stage cancer of the cervix. J Clin Oncol 2000;18:1606-1613.
- Rosa DD et al. Adjuvant platinum-based chemotherapy for early stage cervical cancer. Cochrane Database of Syst Rev 2009;3(3):CD005342.
- Monk BJ et al. Rethinking the use of radiation and chemotherapy after radical hysterectomy: a clinical- pathologic analysis of a Gynaecologic Oncology Group / Southwest Oncology Group / Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Trial. Gynaecol Oncology 2005;96:721-728.
- Tewari KS et al. Improved survival with bevacizumab in advanced cervical cancer. N Engl J Med 2014;370:734-743.
- a: Colombo N, Dubot C, Lorusso D, et al; KEYNOTE826 Investigators. Pembrolizumab for persistent, recurrent, or metastatic cervical cancer. N Engl J Med 2021;385(20):185667.
- Kitagawa R et al. Paclitaxel plus carboplatin versus paclitaxel plus cisplatin in metastatic or recurrent cervical cancer: the open-label randomized phase III trial JCOG0505. J Clin Oncol 2015;33:2129-2135.
- Long HJ, Bundy BN, Grendys EC, et al., Randomized phase III trial of cisplatin with or without topotecan in carcinoma of the uterine cervix: A gynecologic Oncology group study. J Clin Oncol 2005 July 20 23 (21) 4626-4633.
- Sofie Torfs, Isabelle Cadron. Evaluation of paclitaxel/carboplatin in a dose dense or weekly regimen in 66 patients with recurrent or primary metastatic cervical cancer. European Journal of Cancer 48 (2012).
- Jaime Coronel1, Lucely Cetina1, Myrna Candelaria1, Weekly topotecan as second- or third-line treatment in patients with recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer Medical Oncology volume 26, pages210–214(2009).
- Salvo G, et al. Updates and management algorithm for neuroendocrine tumors of the uterine cervix. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2019;29:986–995.